
Q: Why do you charge on a per-identity basis and not per message?

A: We don't think it's fair to charge 10 cents per verification for methods that don't require significant lift.

Starter Pro Enterprise / On-Prem
Free $0.79 / identity / month Contact
Applications Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Identities 1 - 10 20+ Unlimited
Detailed event reporting and authentication tracking
Authentication Methods
SMS one-time password (OTP)
Email one-time password (OTP)
Software token (offline counter- and time-based OTP)
Google Authenticator soft token (offline HOTP/TOTP)
Apple iOS 15+ soft token (offline TOTP)
Microsoft Authenticator soft token (offline TOTP)
Pushover push token
Hardware token (offline HOTP/TOTP)
Backup codes
Security questions
Email support
Phone support